
Who am I, and why do I do what I do?

10th Nov 2024

Well, who am I, and why do I do what I do? Well, jeez, my name is Andy, and I’m a sex worker, and I have been for nearly 3 years/ I tend to fulfil a variety of needs, but as often as not, it’s an emotional shortcoming. It says a lot to me when I can make something like a living on the non-fulfilment of husbands to their lady partners.

I can’t say it makes me proud, but still, I like it and don’t want to stop any time soon. What I like about it is the fact you never know what you’re walking into. I’ve helped people sort their cars with me, blended in with people, gone to places I shouldn’t have been, and always worked to find a solution.

It’s an interesting thing to do definitely, and brings you very close to people, feelings, and the raw facts of humanity. It’s glamorous, interesting, challenging, emotional, and requires full attention.

I see it as a bit of an honor, being involved in something like this, being close to human emotions and

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